Chủ Nhật, 6 tháng 12, 2009

Eight factors for successful collaborative team

1-Investing in signature relationship practices. Encouraging collaborative behavior by making highly visible investments-in facilities with open floor plants to faster communication, for example – that demonstrate their commitment to collaboration.

2-Modeling collaboration behavior. At companies where the senior executives demonstrate highly collaborative behavior themselves, team collaborate well.

3-Creating a “gift culture”. Mentoring and coaching –especially on an informal basic –help people build the networks they need work across coporate bounderies.

4- Ensuring the requistive skills. Human resources department that etach people how to build relationship, communicate well, and resolve conflicts creatively can have a major impact on team collaboration.

5-Supporting a strong sense of community.When people feel a sense of community, they are more comfortable reaching out to others and more likely to share knowledge.

6-Assigning team leaders that are both task-relationship-oriented. The debate has traditionally focused whether a task or relationship orientation creates better leadership, but in fact both are key to successfully leading a team. Typically, learning more heavily on a task orientation at the outlet of a project and shifting toward a relationship orientation once the work is in full swing works best

7-Building an heritage relationships.When too many team members are strangers, people may be recluctant to share knowledge. The best practice is to put at least a few people who one another on the team.

8-Understanding role clarity and task ambiguity.Cooperation increase when the roles of individual team members are sharply defined yet the team is given latitude on how to archieve the task.